We are born with a body
that is loaned to us for life.
With Grateful Pilates you learn to love your body because you develop a deep connection to your fascia, muscles, bones, organs and more. These are your personal attributes and also the things that help you to access your core, release your muscles and align your body for optimal health and fluidity.
With Grateful Pilates, you will learn how to access your power and potential for change. Instead of living with injury, fear and weakness (doubt), you discover that you have the opportunity to honor, accept, and yes, love your muscles, bones, nerves and connective tissue.
With Grateful Pilates you learn to elongate your muscles, which makes you feel better; improve your posture, which enhances your image; and unleash your unique essence, which expands your spirit.
Very Grateful Pilates
Once you are grateful, the cup keeps spilling over.
After learning the fundamentals of Pilates and building a great foundation, you can take a breath and enjoy the view: a new you. You might notice when you’re cooking, skiing, or reading that you are more alert, upright and graceful. All the correct breathing has activated your respiratory system, muscular system and your fluid system too. The connective tissue is hydrated and supporting the muscles on the bone and the joints feel less cranky and irritated.